Success Story- Dholi

Success Story- Dholi
May 12, 2016 No Comments blog sjkkswp-user

Dholi lives in Behtoo tarf kheda village of Behtoo Kala panchayat of Kathumar block of Alwar district. She is 17 years of age and the youngest of 4 siblings, her elder sister and 2 brothers were got married. Her father name Sonyaram who is a farmer and mother Dheema had to run the house with tough work and difficulties since their economic conditions were very poor.

If see the whole scenario of the area we find that the community is suffering from many health problem. The village has lack of government infrastructure and the children has to go to another village Behtoo Kala for high school studies since the village has only one primary school which is one and half km far and the only means to reach the school is on foot. For further studies after standard 10th student has to go to Kathumar or Laxmangarh which is 25 km from the village and means of transportation is very poor in this area.

Dholi being a youth group leader always take part in the monthly meetings organized by the organization at community and block level regularly. She is a very active in nature and took interest in learning new things. She has complete her 10th studies a year back but her mother stop her for further studies saying “Why you are wasting money in studies, instead it will be in use on your marriage ceremony”. Once in a monthly meeting she told “Didi you please come at my home to talk to my parents I feel good to study and want to continue it”. Hearing this we console her not to worry and went to her home and there we kept this words in front of the parent but her father and mother were not ready to hear our words saying “”we are poor people and from where we could afford money for her studies and with efforts and hard working we are saving money for her marriage costs since she already attain 17 years and after 3 years we have to see for her bride groom”.

Days went by and Dholi participate in one of the capacity building residential training organized by the organization at Dwarka Dham, Jatipura Mathura. The training programme was focused on- to understand the concept of sexuality and life skills, and how to cope up the problems face in the daily life through life skills method. During the training programme in front of all the participants and the resource person Dholi expressed her feelings for further studies and the problem she is facing from her parents regarding her studies. There she was suggested by the resource person and staff members that she should opted for private admission for senior secondary school because it will less costs compared to regular courses and her intention for studying could be continue. After some days in one of the monthly meeting of youth group girls conducted at the community level we went to meet Dholi’ parents and share about the process of private admission to 12th standard. After continuous arguements for hours Dholi’s parents agreed atlast to deposit fees for private admission to 12th standard. Now after 2 years Dholi is studying in B.A 2nd year and she is very happy about it.